Prof. Dr. Bernd Lehmann
Professor a.D.
Curriculum Vitae
1969-1975: Study of geology, Universität Heidelberg and Freie Universität Berlin
1975-1979: PhD (Dr. rer.nat.), Freie Universität Berlin
1979-1981: Postdoc/Research associate, Harvard University
1981-1985: Exploration geologist in Burundi
1985-1989: Exploration geologist in SE Asia and DFG habilitation fellowship
1989: Habilitation in Economic Geology, Freie Universität Berlin
1990-1992: Professor of Economic Geology, Freie Universität Berlin
seit 1992: Professor of Economic Geology, Technische Universität Clausthal
seit 2000: Chief Editor "Mineralium Deposita" (Springer)
Global chemical fractionation trends and processes
Felsic magmatism and associated ore deposits
Melt-inclusion geochemistry and microanalytical techniques
Epithermal to porphyry ore deposits
Alkaline magmatism and associated mineralization
Geochemistry applied to exploration and mine development
12 beste Publikationen
Zhang RQ, Lehmann B, Seltmann R, Sun WD, Li CY (2017):
Cassiterite U-Pb geochronology constrains magmatic-hydrothermal evolution in complex evolved granite systems: The classic Erzgebirge tin province (Saxony and Bohemia).
Geology 45: 1095-1098Lehmann B, Burgess R, Frei D, Belyatsky B, Mainkar D, Chalapathi Rao NV, Heaman LM (2010):
Diamondiferous kimberlites in central India synchronous with Deccan flood basalts.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 290: 142-149 PDFWille M, Nägler TF, Lehmann B, Schröder S, Kramers JD (2008):
Hydrogen sulphide release to surface waters at the Precambrian/Cambrian boundary.
Nature 453: 767-769 PDFLehmann B, Nägler TF, Holland HD, Wille M, Mao J, Pan J, Ma D, Dulski P (2007):
Highly metalliferous carbonaceous shale and Early Cambrian seawater.
Geology 35: 403-406 PDF ESMSchultz F, Lehmann B, Tawackoli S, Rössling R, Belyatsky B, Dulski P (2004):
Carbonatite diversity in the Central Andes: the Ayopaya alkaline province, Bolivia.
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 148: 391-408 PDFCabral AR, Lehmann B, Kwitko R, Cravo Costa CH (2002):
The Serra Pelada Au-Pd-Pt deposit, Carajás mineral province, northern Brazil: reconnaissance mineralogy and chemistry of very high grade palladian gold mineralization.
Economic Geology 97: 1127-1138 PDFMao J, Lehmann B, Du A, Zhang G, Ma D, Wang Y, Zend M, Kerrich R (2002):
Re-Os dating of polymetallic Ni-Mo-PGE-Au mineralization in Lower Cambrian black shales of South China and its geological significance.
Economic Geology 97: 1051-1061 PDFHeinhorst J, Lehmann B, Ermolov P, Serykh V, Zhurutin S (2000):
Paleozoic crustal growth and metallogeny of Central Asia: evidence from magmatic-hydrothermal ore systems of Central Kazakhstan.
Tectonophysics 328: 69-87 PDFDietrich A, Lehmann B, Wallianos A (2000):
Bulk rock and melt inclusion geochemistry of Bolivian tin porphyry systems.
Economic Geology 95: 313-326 PDFLehmann B, Nakai S, Höhndorf A, Brinckmann J, Dulski P, Hein UF, Masuda A (1994):
REE mineralization in Burundi: evidence for enriched upper mantle in the Western Rift-valley.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 58: 985-992 PDFLehmann B, Mahawat C (1989):
Metallogeny of tin in central Thailand: A genetic concept.
Geology 17: 426-429 PDFLehmann B (1982):
Metallogeny of tin: Magmatic differentiation versus geochemical heritage.
Economic Geology 77: 50-59 PDF
Ausgewählte Publikationen (ISI)
Xu X, Bain WM, Tornos F, Hanchar JM, Lamadrid HM, Lehmann B, Xu X, Steadman JA, Bottrill RS, Soleymani M, Rajabi A, Li P, Tan XH, Xu SH, Locock AJ, Steele-MacInnis M (2024):
Magnetite-apatite ores record widespread involvement of molten salts.
Geology 52, 51887Jian W, Mao JW, Lehmann B, Cook NJ, Li J, Song S, Zhu L (2024):
Hyper-enrichment of gold via quartz fracturing and growth of polymetallic melt droplets.
Geology 52, 51875Gao L, Sun D, Tian Z, Luo A, Lehmann B, Yin R (2024):
Positive Δ199Hg anomalies in Mesozoic porphyry Mo deposits of Northeastern China and their implications to the metallogeny of arc-related hydrothermal systems at convergent margins.
Chemical Geology 645, 121880Tantoh SB, Lehmann B, Suh CE, Ngatcha RB, Zhang RQ, Cottle J, Njiganga Nwamba M, Belyatsky BV, Goldmann S (2024):
Zircon and cassiterite U-Pb geochronology and petrochemical characteristics of early Tertiary tin mineralization at Mayo Darlé, Cameroon Volcanic Line.:
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 257, 107369Jian W, Mao JW, Lehmann B, Wu S, Chen L, Song S, Xu J, Wang P, Liu J (2024):
Two discrete gold mineralization events recorded by hydrothermal xenotime and monazite, Xiaoqinling gold district, central China.
American Mineralogist 109: 73-86Xu LG, Lehmann B, Weyer S, Wen H, Mao JW, Neubert N, Jian W (2024):
Inverse Mo versus U isotope correlation of Early Cambrian highly metalliferous black shales in South China indicates synsedimentary metal enrichment from a near-modern ocean.
Mineralium Deposita 59: 155-167Bouhlel S, Garnit H, Leach DL, Lehmann B, van den Kerkhof A, Beaudoin G, Schmidt S (2024):
The Bougrine Zn-Pb deposit, the largest salt diapir-related Mississippi Valley-type deposit in the Eastern Maghreb salt diapir province, Tunisia.
Ore Geology Reviews 164, 105825Lang X, Xiang Z, Wang X, Lohmeier S, Lehmann B, Deng Y, Dong W, Luo C, Li Z, Cheng WB (2024):
Unveiling an early Paleozoic porphyry-epithermal gold system in Songshunangou district, North Qilian, northwest China: Geological and geochronological constraints.
Ore Geology Reviews 164, 105816Leopardi D, Gerdes A, Albert R, Gutzmer J, Lehmann B, Burisch M (2024):
LA-ICP-MS U-Pb cassiterite age data of the Sadisdorf deposit link Sn-Li-(W-Cu) mineralization in the eastern Erzgebirge to the collapse of the Altenberg-Teplice Caldera.
Geochemistry, 126038
Bhunia S, Rao NVC, Talukdar D, Pandey R, Lehmann B (2023):
Petrology of ijolite xenoliths entrained in a nephelinite dyke from the Kamthai, Late Cretaceous polychronous Sarnu-Dandali alkaline complex, North-West India: Evidence for recurrent magmatic pulses and magma mixing.
Geosystems and Geoenvironment, 100248Yin X, Zhao X, Yin R, Gao L, Deng C, Tian Z, Chang S, Lehmann B (2023)
Mercury isotopic compositions of iron oxide‑copper‑gold (IOCG) hydrothermal systems: Deep Hg cycling in intracontinental settings.
Chemical Geology 641, 121777Raghuvanshi S, Rao NVC, Talukdar D, Belyatsky B, Prabhat P, Rahaman W, Lehmann B, Meert JG (2023):
Petrology, U-Pb titanite dating and Sr-Nd isotope geochemistry of a shoshonitic lamprophyre dyke near the Western Dharwar Craton-Southern Granulite Terrane contact, southern India: Implications for long-lived enriched mantle, widespread Tonian-Cryogenian rifting, and Rodinia configuration.
Precambrian Research 399, 107241Nayebi B, Esmaeily D, Shinjo R, Deevsalar R, Modabberi S, Lehmann B (2023)
Petrogenetic and geodynamic evolution of plutonic rocks from the Chadormalu district, Kashmar-Kerman tectonic zone, Central Iran.
Mineralogy and Petrology 117: 619-637Tian Z, Lehmann B, Deng C, Luo A, Zhang X, Moynier F, Yin R (2023) :
Mercury abundance and isotopic composition in granitic rocks: Implications for Hg cycling in the upper continental crust.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 361: 200-209Zhang XN, Pan JY, Lehmann B, Li JX, Yin S, Ouyang YP, Zhang Y, Zhong FJ, Fu JL, Wu B (2023):
Geochemical composition of apatite from the Zhuxi tungsten granite and the Zhenzhushan granite porphyry in the Jiangnan porphyry-skarn tungsten belt, China.
Geochemistry 83, 126010Chen SC, Yu JJ, Zhao XF, Bi MF, Lehmann B (2023):
Various chlorite alteration styles in the Furong Sn deposit, South China: chlorite chemistry and implication for tin mineralization.
Ore Geology Reviews 162, 105680Deng C, Fu A, Geng H, Sun D, Zhao G, Mao G, Moynier F, Lehmann B, Yin RS (2023):
Low-δ18O and negative-Δ199Hg felsic igneous rocks in NE China: Implications for Early Cretaceous orogenic thinning.
Chemical Geology 633, 121569Zhang XN, Pan JY, Lehmann B, Li JX, Yin S, Ouyang YP, Wu B, Fu JL, Zhang Y, Sun Y, Wan JJ, Liu T (2023):
Diagnostic REE patterns of magmatic and hydrothermal apatite in the Zhuxi tungsten skarn deposit, China.
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 252, 107271Xiao T, Sun D, Lehmann B, Tian Z, Gao L, Zhang D, Deng C, Luo A, Xu Y, Yin RS (2023):
Paleo‐Pacific plate subduction and basement mobilization triggered large-scale formation of Mesozoic gold deposits in the northern margin of the North China Craton.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 24 (7), e2022GC010769Nayebi N, Esmaeily D, D'Antonio M, Xia XP, Di Renzo V, Lehmann B, Shinjo R, Babazadeh S, Deevsalar R, Modabberi S (2023):
Zircon U–Pb ages and Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf isotopic compositions constrain the tectono-magmatic evolution of the Anomaly 21-A iron ore region, Bafq metallogenic province, Central Iran.
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 250, 105646Chen SC, Yu JJ, Bi MF, Lehmann B (2023):
Fluid-rock interaction and fluid mixing in the large Furong tin deposit, South China: New insights from tourmaline and apatite chemistry and in situ B-Nd-Sr isotope composition.
American Mineralogist 108: 338-353Liu P, Gleeson SA, Cook NJ, Lehmann B, Zhao C, Yao W, Bao ZA, Wu ST, Tian YF, Mao JW (2023):
Final assembly of Gondwana enhances crustal metal (HREE and U) endowment.
Geochemical Perspectives Letters 26: 7-13
- Embui VF, Suh CE, Lehmann B, Ackerman L (2022):
Molybdenum isotopic composition of molybdenite and the fertility potential of the Ekomedion U–Mo prospect, SW Cameroon.
Journal of Geosciences 67: 331-344 - Bhunia S, Rao NVC, Belyatsky B, Talukdar D, Pandey R, Lehmann B (2022):
SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology of the carbonatite-hosted REE deposit of Kamthai, Late Cretaceous polychronous Sarnu Dandali alkaline complex, NW India: Links to plume-related metallogeny and CO2 outgassing at the K-Pg boundary.
Gondwana Research 112: 116-125 n F, Zhu Y, Lehmann B, Zheng B, Qiang J (2022):
The Baogutu gold deposit in west Junggar, NW China: an epizonal intrusion-related gold deposit.
Ore Geology Reviews 150, 105188Deng CZ, Lehmann B, Xiao TT, Tan QP, Chen D, Tian ZD, Wang XY, Sun GY, Yin RS (2022):
Intracontinental and arc-related hydrothermal systems display distinct δ202Hg and Δ199Hg features: Implication for large-scale mercury recycling and isotopic fractionation in different tectonic settings.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 593, 117646Deng CZ, Gou J, Sun D, Sun G, Tian ZD, Lehmann B, Moynier F, Yin RS (2022):
Mercury isotopic composition of igneous rocks from an accretionary orogen: Implications for lithospheric recycling.
Geology 50: 1001-1006Xue Z, Yin RS, Lehmann B, Yang R, Xu H, Chen J, Geng H, Gao J (2022):
Mercury isotopes reflect variable metal sources as a function of paleo-depositional setting in the Ediacaran-Cambrian Ocean, South China. Precambrian Research 378, 106749Jian W, Mao JW, Lehmann B, Chen L, Song S, Liu J, Wang P, Rösel D (2022):
Late Triassic Au-Mo mineralization in the Xiaoqinling region and a genetic connection to carbonatitic magmatism.
Ore Geology Reviews 145, 104921Guimarães FS, Zhang RQ, Lehmann B, Cabral AR, Rios FJ (2022):
Cassiterite U-Pb geochronology of the Santa Bárbara tin district, Rondȏnia tin province, Brazil.
Economic Geology 117: 719-729Chen SC, Yu JJ, Bi MF, Lehmann B (2022):
Tin-bearing minerals at the Furong tin deposit, South China: Implications for tin mineralization.
Geochemistry 82, 125856Yin RS, Chen D, Pan X, CZ Deng, Chen LM, Song XY, Yu SY, Zhu CW, Wei X, Xu Y, Feng XB, Blum JD, Lehmann B (2022):
Mantle Hg isotopic heterogeneity and evidence of oceanic Hg recycling into the mantle.
Nature Communications 13, 948Chen SC, Yu JJ, Bi MF, Li HM, Lehmann B (2022):
Cassiterite U–Pb, mica 40Ar–39Ar dating and cassiterite trace-element composition of the Furong tin deposit in the Nanling Range, South China.
Ore Geology Reviews 143, 104775Lehmann B, Pašava J, Šebek O, Andronikov A, Frei R, Xu LG, Mao JW (2022):
Early Cambrian highly metalliferous black shale in South China: Cu and Zn isotopes and a short review of other non-traditional stable isotopes.
Mineralium Deposita 57, AR, Deng CZ, Yin RS, Yakubovich OV, Stuart FM, Tupinambá M, Lehmann B (2022):
Metal recycling tracked by mercury and helium isotopes in platinum–palladium nuggets from Córrego Bom Sucesso, Brazil.
Chemical Geology 593, 120752Lohmeier S, Lehmann B, Schneider A, Hodgkin A, Burgess R (2022):
Ore mineralogy, geochemistry, and dating (Re-Os, Ar-Ar) of the El Volcán porphyry/epithermal system, Maricunga gold belt, northern Chile.
Economic Geology 117, 25-55Sillitoe RH, Lehmann B (2022):
Copper-rich tin deposits.
Mineralium Deposita 57: 1-11Kumar A, Talukdar D, Rao NVC, Burgess R, Lehmann B (2022):
Mesoproterozoic 40Ar–39Ar ages of some lamproites from the Cuddapah Basin and Eastern Dharwar Craton, southern India: implications for diamond provenance of the Banganapalle Conglomerates, age of the Kurnool Group and Columbia tectonics.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 513: 157-178Sharma A, Sahoo S, Rao NVC, Belyatsky B, Dhote P, Lehmann B (2022):
Petrology and Nd–Sr isotopic composition of alkaline lamprophyres from the Early to Late Cretaceous Mundwara Alkaline Complex, NW India: evidence of crystal fractionation, accumulation and corrosion in a complex magma chmber plumbing system.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 513: 413-442
Liu P, Mao JW, Lehmann B, Weyer S, Horn I, Mathur R, Wang FY, Zhou ZH (2021):
Tin isotopes via fs-LA-MC-ICP-MS analysis record complex fluid evolution in single cassiterite crystals.
American Mineralogist 106: 1980-1986Song SW, Mao JW, Xie GQ, Lehmann B, Jian W, Wang XG (2021):
The world-class mid-Mesozoic Jiangnan tungsten belt, South China: Coeval large reduced and small oxidized tungsten systems controlled by different magmatic petrogeneses.
Ore Geology Reviews 139, 104543Lehmann B (2021):
Formation of tin ore deposits: A reassessment.
Lithos 402-403, 105756 PDFCabral AR, König S, Eickmann B, Brauns M, Tupinambá M, Lehmann B, Varas-Reus MI (2021):
Extreme fractionation of selenium isotopes and possible deep biospheric origin of platinum nuggets from Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Geology 49: 1327-1331Fon AN, Suh CE, Vishiti A, Ngatcha RB, Ngang TC, Shemang EM, Egbe JA, Lehmann B (2021):
Gold dispersion in tropical weathering profiles at the Belikombone gold anomaly (Bétaré Oya gold district), east Cameroon.
Geochemistry 81, 125770Jian W, Mao JW, Lehmann B, Cook NJ, Xie GQ, Liu P, Duan C, Alles J, Niu ZJ (2021):
Au-Ag-Te–rich melt inclusions in hydrothermal gold-quartz veins, Xiaoqinling lode gold district, Central China.
Economic Geology 116: 1239-1248Liu P, Mao JW, Lehmann B, Peng LL, Zhang RQ, Wang FY, Lu GA, Jiang CY (2021):
Cassiterite U-Pb dating of the Lower Cretaceous Yanbei tin porphyry district in the Mikengshan volcanic basin, SE China.
Ore Geology Reviews 134, 104151Deng CZ, Li CL, Rong YM, Chen D, Zhou T, Wang XY, Chen HY, Lehmann B, Yin RS (2021):
Different metal sources in the evolution of an epithermal ore system: Evidence from mercury isotopes associated with the Erdaokan epithermal Ag-Pb-Zn deposit, NE China.
Gondwana Research 95,ães FS, de Oliveira ALR, Amorim LED, Rios FJ, Lehmann B, Hernández CR, Moraes R (2021):
Lithium-mica composition as pathfinder and recorder of Grenvillian-age greisenization, Rondonia Tin Province, Brazil.
Geochemistry 81, 125737Nayebi N, Esmaeily D, Chew DM, Lehmann B, Modabberi S (2021):
Geochronological and geochemical evidence for multi-stage apatite in the Bafq iron metallogenic belt (Central Iran), with implications for the Chadormalu iron-apatite deposit.
Ore Geology Reviews 132, 104054Mao JW, Zheng W, Xie GQ, Lehmann B, Goldfarb R (2021):
Recognition of a Middle–Late Jurassic arc-related porphyry copper belt along the southeast China coast: Geological characteristics and metallogenic implications.
Geology 49: 592-596
Sahoo S, Rao NVC, Monié P, Belyatsky B, Dhote P, Lehmann B (2020):
Petro-geochemistry, Sr-Nd isotopes and 40Ar/39Ar ages of fractionated alkaline lamprophyres from the Mount Girnar igneous complex (NW India): Insights into the timing of magmatism and the lithospheric mantle beneath the Deccan Large Igneous Province
Lithos 374-375: 105712 PDFDeng C, Sun G, Rong Y, Sun R, Sun D, Lehmann B, Yin R (2020):
Recycling of mercury from the atmosphere-ocean system into volcanic-arc–associated epithermal gold systems
Geology PDFFrei R, Lehmann B, Xu L, Frederiksen JA (2020):
Surface water oxygenation and bioproductivity–A link provided by combined chromium and cadmium isotopes in Early Cambrian metalliferous black shales (Nanhua Basin, South China)
Chemical Geology 552: 119785 PDFFarouk S, Ahmad F, Baioumy H, Lehmann B, Mohammed IQ, Kahtany Kal (2020):
Geochemical characteristics of carbonaceous chalk near the Cretaceous/Paleogene transition, central Jordan: Strong metal enrichment of redox-sensitive and biophile elements from remineralized calcitic plankton
Marine and Petroleum Geology 120: 104535 PDFAlibabaie N, Esmaeily D Peters STM, Horn I, Gerdes A, Nirooamand S, Jian W, Mansouri T, Tudeshki H, Lehmann B (2020):
Evolution of the Kiruna-type Gol-e-Gohar iron ore district, Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, Iran
Ore Geology Reviews: 103787 PDFLehmann B (2020):
Formation of tin ore deposits: A reassessment
Lithos: 105756Zhang XN, Li GM, Qin KZ, Lehmann B, Li JX, Zhao JX (2020):
Porphyry to epithermal transition at the Rongna Cu-(Au) deposit, Tibet: Insights from HO isotopes and fluid inclusion analysis
Ore Geology Reviews 123: 103585 PDFLehmann B, Zoheir B, Neymark L, Zeh A, Emam A, Radwan A, Zhang R, Moscati R (2020):
Monazite and cassiterite UPb dating of the Abu Dabbab rare-metal granite, Egypt: Late Cryogenian metalliferous granite magmatism in the Arabian-Nubian Shield
Gondwana Research 84: 71-80 PDFHan Y, Mao J, Xie G, Lehmann B (2020):
Linkage of distal vein–type Au mineralization in carbonate rocks with Cu–Au skarn mineralization in the Fengshan area, Eastern China: Mineralogy and stable isotope geochemistry
Ore Geology Reviews 119: 103306 PDFPeters STM, Alibabaie N, Pack A, McKibbin SJ, Raeisi D, Nayebi N, Torab F, Ireland T, Lehmann B (2020):
Triple oxygen isotope variations in magnetite from iron-oxide deposits, central Iran, record magmatic fluid interaction with evaporite and carbonate host rocks
Geology 48: 211-215 PDFBaioumy H, Lehmann B, Salim AMA, Al-Kahtany K, El-Sorogy A (2020):
Geochemical characteristics of black shales from Triassic turbidites, Peninsular Malaysia: Implications for their origin and tectonic setting
Marine and Petroleum Geology 113: 104137 PDFAn F, Zhu Y, Richards JP, Creaser RA, Chen L, Zheng B, Lehmann B (2020):
Genetic link between gold mineralization and porphyry magmatism in the Baogutu district, West Junggar, NW China: Constraints from Re‐Os and S isotopes in sulphide
Geological Journal 55: 6098-6105 PDFEmbui VF, Suh CE, Cottle JM, Etame J, Mendes J, Agyingi CM, Vishiti A, Shemang EM, Lehmann B (2020):
Zircon chemistry and new laser ablation U–Pb ages for uraniferous granitoids in SW Cameroon
Acta Geochimica 39: 43-66 PDFJian W, Mao J, Lehmann B, Li Y, Ye H, Cai J, Li Z (2020):
Lingbaoite, AgTe3, a new silver telluride from the Xiaoqinling gold district, central China
American Mineralogist 105: 745-755 PDFZoheir B, Lehmann B, Emam A, Radwan A, Zhang R, Bain WM, Steele-MacInnis M, Nolte N (2020):
Extreme fractionation and magmatic–hydrothermal transition in the formation of the Abu Dabbab rare-metal granite, Eastern Desert, Egypt
Lithos 352-353: 105329 PDF
Pandey R, Pandey A, Rao NVC, Belyatsky B, Choudhary AK, Lehmann B, Pandit D, Dhote P (2019):
Petrogenesis of end-Cretaceous/Early Eocene lamprophyres from the Deccan Large Igneous Province: Constraints on plume-lithosphere interaction and the post-Deccan lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) beneath NW India
Lithos 346-347: 105139 PDFXu L, Frank AB, Lehmann B, Zhu J, Mao J, Ju Y, Frei R (2019):
Subtle Cr isotope signals track the variably anoxic Cryogenian interglacial period with voluminous manganese accumulation and decrease in biodiversity
Scientific Reports 9: 15056 PDFCabral AR, Zeh A Viana NCS, de Castro MP, Laufek F, Lehmann B, Queiroga G (2019):
Alabandite (MnS) in metamorphosed manganiferous rocks at Morro da Mina, Brazil: palaeoenvironmental significance
European Journal of Mineralogy 31: 973-982 PDFCabral AR, Skála R, Vymazalová A, Maixner J, Stanley CJ, Lehmann B, Jedwab J (2019):
Orthocuproplatinum, Pt3Cu, a new mineral from the Lubero region, North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Mineralogy and Petrology 113: 527-532 PDFYin R, Deng C, Lehmann B, Sun G, Lepak RF, Hurley JP, Zhao C, Xu G, Tan Q, Xie Z, Hu R (2019):
Magmatic-hydrothermal origin of mercury in Carlin-style and epithermal gold deposits in China: evidence from mercury stable isotopes
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 3: 1631-1639 PDFLohmeier S, Schneider A, Belyatsky B, Lehmann B (2019):
Magmatic evolution of the Cerro Maricunga gold porphyry-epithermal system, Maricunga belt, N-Chile
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 92: 374-399 PDFCabral AR, Zeh A, Vianna NC, Ackerman L, Pašava J, Lehmann B, Chrastný V (2019):
Molybdenum-isotope signals and cerium anomalies in Palaeoproterozoic manganese ore survive high-grade metamorphism
Scientific Reports 9: 4570 PDFCabral AR, Zack T, König S, Eickmann B, Kwitko-Ribeiro R, Tupinambá M, Lehmann B (2019):
Distinguishing high-from low-temperature platinum nuggets through their trace-element pattern
Economic Geology 114: 201-206 PDFAlles J, Ploch AM, Schirmer T, Nolte N, Ließmann W, Lehmann B (2019):
Rare-earth-element enrichment in post-Variscan polymetallic vein systems of the Harz Mountains, Germany
Mineralium Deposita 54: 307-328 PDFGuimaraes FS, Cabral AR, Lehmann B, Rios FJ, Avila MAB, de Castro MP, Queiroga GN (2019):
Bismuth-melt trails trapped in cassiterite-quartz veins
Terra Nova 31: 358-365 PDF
Emam A, Zoheir B, Radwan AM, Lehmann B, Zhang R, Fawzy S, Nolte N (2018):
Petrogenesis and evolution of the Nuweibi rare-metal granite, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11: 736 PDFCabral AR, van den Kerkhof AM, Sosa GM, Nolte N, Ließmann W, Lehmann B (2018):
Clausthalite (PbSe) and tiemannite (HgSe) from the type locality: New observations and implications for metallogenesis in the Harz Mountains, Germany.
Ore Geology Reviews 102: 728-739Pandey R, Rao NVC, Dhote P, Pandit D, Choudhary AK, Sahoo S, Lehmann B (2018):
Rift-associated ultramafic lamprophyre (damtjernite) from the middle part of the Lower Cretaceous (125 Ma) succession of Kutch, northwestern India: Tectonomagmatic implications.
Geoscience Frontiers 9: 1883-1902Yao J, Mathur R, Powell W, Lehmann B, Tornos F, Wilson M, Ruiz J (2018):
Sn-isotope fractionation as a record of hydrothermal redox reactions.
American Mineralogist 103: 1591-1598Zhang XN, Li GM, Qin KZ, Lehmann B, Li JX, Zhao JX, Cao MJ, Zou XY (2018):
Petrogenesis and tectonic setting of Early Cretaceous granodioritic porphyry from the giant Rongna porphyry Cu deposit, central Tibet.
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 161: 74-92Rajabpour S, Jiang SY, Lehmann B, Abedini A, Gregory DD (2018):
Fluid inclusion and O–H–C isotopic constraints on the origin and evolution of ore-forming fluids of the Cenozoic volcanic-hosted Kuh-Pang copper deposit, Central Iran.
Ore Geology Reviews 94: 277-289Jian W, Albrecht M, Lehmann B, Mao J, Horn I, Li Y, Ye H, Li Z, Fang G, Xue Y (2018):
UV-fs-LA-ICP-MS analysis of CO2-rich fluid inclusions in a frozen state: Example from the Dahu Au-Mo deposit, Xiaoqinling region, central China.
Geofluids 2018, Article ID 3692180: 17 pagesVishiti A, Suh CE, Lehmann B, Shemang EM, Ngome NLJ, Nshanji NJ, Chinjo FE, Mongwe OY, Egbe AJ, Petersen S (2018):
Mineral chemistry, bulk rock geochemistry, and S‐isotope signature of lode‐gold mineralization in the Bétaré Oya gold district, south‐east Cameroon.
Geological Journal 53: 2579-2596l
Cabral AR, Zeh A, da Silva Viana NC, Schirmer T, Lehmann B (2017):
Graphite–(Mo,W)S2 intergrowth as a palaeoenvironmental proxy in metasedimentary rocks.
Lithos 294: 412-417Zhang RQ, Lehmann B, Seltmann R, Sun WD, Li CY (2017):
Cassiterite U-Pb geochronology constrains magmatic-hydrothermal evolution in complex evolved granite systems: The classic Erzgebirge tin province (Saxony and Bohemia).
Geology 45: 1095-1098Cabral AR, Tupinambá M, Zeh A, Lehmann B, Wiedenbeck M, Brauns M, Kwitko-Ribeiro R (2017):
Platiniferous gold–tourmaline aggregates in the gold–palladium belt of Minas Gerais, Brazil: implications for regional boron metasomatism.
Mineralogy and Petrology 111: 807-819Cabral AR, Bühn B, Gomes Jr AAS, Galbiatti HF, Lehmann B, Halder S (2017):
Multiple sulfur isotopes from the Neoarchaean Serra Sul black shale, Carajás mineral province, northern Brazil.
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 79: 377-383Cabral AR, Ließmann W, Jian W, Lehmann B (2017):
Bismuth selenides from St. Andreasberg, Germany: an oxidised five-element style of mineralisation and its relation to post-Variscan vein-type deposits of central Europa.
International Journal of Earth Sciences 106: 2359-2369Yin RS, Xu LG, Lehmann B, Lepak RF, Hurley JP, Mao JW, Feng XB, Hu RZ (2017):
Anomalous mercury enrichment in Early Cambrian black shales of South China: Mercury isotopes indicate a seawater source.
Chemical Geology 467: 159-167Chombong NN, Suh CE, Lehmann B, Vishiti A, Ilouga DC, Shemang EM, Tantoh BS, Kedia AC (2017):
Host rock geochemistry, texture and chemical composition of magnetite in iron ore in the Neoarchaean Nyong unit in southern Cameroon.
Applied Earth Science 126: 129-14Baioumy H, Lehmann B (2017):
Anomalous enrichment of redox-sensitive trace elements in the marine black shales from the Duwi Formation, Egypt: Evidence for the late Cretaceous Tethys anoxia.
Journal of African Earth Sciences 133: 7-14Rajabpour S, Behzadi M, Jiang SY, Rasa I, Lehmann B, Ma Y (2017):
Sulfide chemistry and sulfur isotope characteristics of the Cenozoic volcanic-hosted Kuh-Pang copper deposit, Saveh county, northwestern central Iran.
Ore Geology Reviews 86: 563-583Rajabpour S, Abedini A, Alipour S, Lehmann B, Jiang SY (2017):
Geology and geochemistry of the sediment-hosted Cheshmeh-Konan redbed-type copper deposit, NW Iran.
Ore Geology Reviews 86: 154-171Dongre A, Rao NVC, Viljoen KS, Lehmann B (2017):
Petrology, genesis and geodynamic implication of the Mesoproterozoic–Late Cretaceous Timmasamudram kimberlite cluster, Wajrakarur field, Eastern Dharwar Craton, southern India.
Geoscience Frontiers 8: 541-553Rao NVC, Lehmann B, Belyatsky B, Warnsloh JM (2017):
The Late Cretaceous diamondiferous pyroclastic kimberlites from the Fort à la Corne (FALC) field, Saskatchewan craton, Canada: Petrology, geochemistry and genesis.
Gondwana Research 44: 236-257Zhang R, Lu J, Lehmann B, Li C, Li G, Zhang L, Guo J, Sun W (2017):
Combined zircon and cassiterite U–Pb dating of the Piaotang granite-related tungsten–tin deposit, southern Jiangxi tungsten district, China.
Ore Geology Reviews 82: 268-284
Chalapathi Rao NV, Dongre A, Wu FY, Lehmann B (2016):
A Late Cretaceous (ca. 90 Ma) kimberlite event in southern India: Implication for sub-continental lithospheric mantle evolution and diamond exploration.
Gondwana Research 35: 378-389Cabral AR, Lehmann B, Seabra Gomes Jr. AA, Pašava J (2016):
Episodic negative anomalies of cerium at the depositional onset of the 2.65-Ga Itabira iron formation, Quadrilátero Ferrífero of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Precambrian Research 276: 101-109Xu L‚ Lehmann B‚ Mo J, Zheng W, Ye H, Li H (2016):
Strontium, Sulfur, Carbon, and Oxygen Isotope Geochemistry of the Early Cambrian Strata-bound Barite and Witherite Deposits of the Qinling-Daba Region, Northern Margin of the Yangtze Craton, China.
Economic Geology 111: 695-718Chalapathi Rao NV, Atiullah, Kumar A, Sahoo S, Nanda P, Chahong N, Lehmann B, Rao KVS (2016):
Petrogenesis of Mesoproterozoic lamproite dykes from the Garledinne (Banganapalle) cluster, south-western Cuddapah Basin, southern India.
Miner Petrol 110: 247-268Chalapathi Rao NV, Atiullah, Burgess R, Nanda P, Choudhary AK, Sahoo S, Lehmann B, Chahong N (2016):
Petrology,40Ar/39Ar age, Sr-N d isotope systematics, and geodynamic significance of an ultrapotassic (lamproitic) dyke with affinities to kamafugite from the easternmost margin of the Bastar Craton, India.
Miner Petrol 110: 269-293Lehmann B, Frei R, Xu L, Mao JW (2016):
Early Cambrian black shale-hosted Mo-Ni and V mineralization on the rifted margin of the Yangtze Platform, China: Reconnaissance chromium isotope data and a refined metallogenic model.
Economic Geology 111: 89-103
Omang BO, Suh CE, Lehmann B, Vishiti A, Chombong NN, Fon AN, Egbe JA, Shemang EM (2015):
Microchemical signature of alluvial gold from two contrasting terrains in Cameroon.
Journal of African Earth Sciences 112: 1-14Vishiti A, Suh CE, Lehmann B, Egbe JA, Shemang EM (2015):
Gold grade variation and particle microchemistry in exploration pits of the Batouri gold district, SE Cameroon.
Journal of African Earth Sciences 111: 1-13Cabral AR, Ließmann W, Lehmann B (2015):
Gold and palladium minerals (including empirical PdCuBiSe3) from the former Roter Bär mine, St. Andreasberg, Harz Mountains, Germany: a result of low-temperature, oxidising fluid overprint.
Mineralogy and Petrology 109: 649-657Lehmann B (2015):
Was ist in den letzten 25 Jahren an Weiterentwicklung in der Exploration im Ausland geschehen, während in Deutschland nichts geschah?
Akademie für Geowissenschaften und Geotechnologien Veröffentlichungen Heft 31: 37- 44 PDFKhalil KI, El-Shazly AE, Lehmann B (2015):
Late Neoproterozoic banded iron formation (BIF) in the central Eastern Desert of Egypt: Mineralogical and geochemical implications for the origin of the Gebel El Hadid iron ore deposit.
Ore Geology Review 69: 380-399Cabral AR, Rios FJ, Ramos de Oliveira LA, de Abreu FR, Lehmann B, Zack T, Laufek F (2015):
Fluid-inclusion microthermometry and the Zr-in-rutile thermometer for hydrothermal rutile.
International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geologische Rundschau) 104: 513-519Asaah AV, Zoheir B, Lehmann B, Frei D, Burgess R, Suh CE (2015):
Geochemistry and geochronology of the ~620 Ma gold-associated Batouri granitoids, Cameroon.
International Geology Review 57: 1485-1509Zoheir BA, Creaser RA, Lehmann B (2015):
Re-Os geochronology of gold mineralization in the Fawakhir aera, Estern Desert, Egypt.
International Geology Review 57: 1418-1432Cabral AR, Zeh A, Calbiatti HF, Lehmann B (2015):
Late Cambrian Au-Pd mineralization and Fe enrichment in the Itabira district, Minas Gerais, Brazil, at 469 Ma: Constrains from U-Pb monazite dating of a jacutinga lode, Brazil.
Economic Geology 110: 263-272Jian W, Lehmann B, Mao JW, Ye H, Li Z, He H, Zhang J, Zhang H, Feng J (2015):
Mineralogy, fluid characteristics, and Re-Os age of the Late Triassic Dahu Au-Mo deposit, Xiaoqinling Region, Central China: Evidence for a magmatic-hydrothermal origin, Central China.
Economic Geology 110: 119-145
Chalapathi Rao NV, Lehmann B, Panwar B K, Kumar Alok, Mainkar D (2014):
Petrogenesis of the crater-facies Tokapal kimberlite pipe, Indravati Basin, Central India.
Geoscience Frontiers 5: 781-790Lehmann B, Halder S, Ruzindana M J, de la Paix N J, Biryabarema J (2014):
The geochemical signature of rare-metal pegmatites in Central Africa: Magmatic rocks in the Gatumba tin–tantalum mining district, Rwanda.
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 144 (Part C): 528–538Cabral AR, Skála R, Vymazalová A, Kallistová A, Lehmann B, Jedwab J (2014):
Kitagohaite, Pt7Cu, a new mineral from the Lubero region, North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Mineralogical Magazine 78: 739-745Chalapathi Rao NV, Lehmann B, Balaram V (2014);
Platinum-group element (PGE) geochemistry of Deccan orangeites, Bastar craton, central India: Implication for a non-terrestrial origin for iridium enrichment at the K–Pg boundary.
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 84: 24-33Mao JW, Pirajno F, Lehmann B, Luo M, Berzina A (2014):
Distribution of porphyry deposits in the Eurasian continent and their corresponding tectonic settings.
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 79: 576-584Lehmann B (2014):
Economic geology of rare-earth elements in 2014: a global perspective.
European Geologist 37: 21-24 PDFPlotinskaya O, Grabezhev AI, Groznova EO, Seltmann R, Lehmann B (2014):
The Late Paleozoic porphyry-epithermal spectrum of the Birgilda-Tomino ore cluster in the South Urals, Russia.
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 79: 910-931
Pohl WL, Biryabarema M, Lehmann B (2013):
Early Neoproterozoic rare metal (Sn, Ta, W) and gold metallogeny of the Central Africa Region: a review.
Applied Earth Science (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. B) 122 (2): 66-82 PDFCabral AR, Creaser RA, Nägler T, Lehmann B, Voegelin AR, Belyatsky B, Pašava J, Seabra Gomes AA Jr, Galbiatti H, Böttcher ME, Escher P (2013):
Trace-element and multi-isotope geochemistry of Late-Archean black shales in the Carajás iron-ore district, Brazil.
Chemical Geology 362: 91-104Chalapathi Rao NV, Lehmann B, Panwar BK, Kumar A, Mainkar D (2013):
Tokapal tuff-facies kimberlite, Bastar craton, Central India: a nickel prospect?
Journal of the Geological Society of India 82: 595-600Chalapathi Rao NV, Creaser RA, Lehmann B, Panwar BK (2013):
Re-Os isotope study of Indian kimberlites and lamproites: Implications for mantle source regions and cratonic evolution.
Chemical Geology 353: 36-47Mainkar D, Gupta T, Patel SC, Lehmann B, Diwan P, Kaminsky FV, Khachatrayan GK (2013):
Diamonds from the Behradih kimberlite pipe, Bastar craton, India: a reconnaissance study.
In: Pearson DG et al (eds) Proceedings of the 10th International Kimberlite Conference, Volume 1, Special Issue of the Journal of the Geological Society of India, pp 309-316Chalapathi Rao NV, Lehmann B, Belousova E, Frei D, Mainkar D (2013):
Petrology, bulk-rock geochemistry, indicator mineral composition and zircon U-Pb geochronology of the end-Cretaceous diamondiferous Mainpur orangeites, Bastar craton, Central India.
In: Pearson DG et al (eds) Proceedings of the 10th International Kimberlite Conference, Volume 1, Special Issue of the Journal of the Geological Society of India, pp 93-121Lehmann B, Zhao X, Zhou M, Du A, Mao JW, Zeng P, Henjes-Kunst F, Heppe K (2013):
Mid-Silurian back-arc spreading at the northwestern margin of Gondwana: The Dapingzhang dacite-hosted massive sulfide deposit, Lancangjiang zone, southwestern Yunnan, China.
Gondwana Research 24: 648-663Cabral AR, Eugster O, Brauns M, Lehmann B, Rösel D, Zack T, de Abreu FR, Pernicka E, Barth M (2013):
Direct dating of gold by radiogenic helium: Testing the method on gold from Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Geology 41: 163-166Chalapathi Rao NV, Wu FY, Mitchell RH, Li QL, Lehmann B (2013):
Mesoproterozoic U-Pb ages, trace element and Sr-Nd isotopic composition of perovskite from kimberlites of the Eastern Dharwar craton, southern India: Distinct mantle sources and a widespread 1.1 Ga tectonomagmatic event.
Chemical Geology 353: 48-64Xu L, Lehmann B, Mao JW (2013):
Seawater constribution to polymetallic Ni-Mo-PGE-Au mineralization in Early Cambrian black shales of South China: Evidence from Mo isotope, PGE, trace element, and REE geochemistry.
Ore Geology Reviews 52: 66-84
Cabral AR, Reith F, Lehmann B, Brugger J, Meinhold G, Tupinambá, Kwitko-Ribeiro R (2012):
Anatase nanoparticles on supergene platinum-palladium aggregates from Brazil: Titanium mobility in natural waters.
Chemical Geology 334: 182-188Vymazalová A, Laufek F, Drábek M, Cabral AR, Haloda J, Sidorinová T, Lehmann B, Galbiatti HF, Drahokoupil J (2012):
Jacutingaite, Pt2HgSe3, a new platinum-group mineral species from the Cauê iron-ore deposit, Itabira District, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Canadian Mineralogist 50: 431-440Cabral AR, Koglin N, Seabra Gomes Jr. AA, Lehmann B (2012):
Xenotime-hematite aggregates on opaline filaments: evidence for biomineralization in weathered siliciclastic rocks, Capanema, Quadrilátero Ferrifero of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
International Journal of Earth Sciences 101: 377-383Chalapathi Rao NV, Lehmann B, Mainkar D, Panwar BK (2012):
Diamond-facies chrome spinel from the Tokapal kimberlite, Indravati basin, central India and its petrological significance.
Mineralogy and Petrology 105: 121-133Chalapathi Rao NV, Paton C, Lehmann B (2012):
Origin and diamond prospectivity of Mesoproterozoic kimberlites from the Narayanpet field, Eastern Dharwar Craton, southern India: insights from groundmass mineralogy, bulk-chemistry and perovskite oxybarometry.
Geological Journal 47: 186-212Xu LG, Lehmann B, Mao JW, Nägler TF, Neubert N, Böttcher ME, Escher P (2012):
Mo isotope and trace element patterns of Lower Cambrian black shales in South China: Multi-proxy constraints on the paleoenvironment.
Chemical Geology 318-319: 45-59Cabral AR, Lehmann B, Jedwab J (2012):
Empirical Pt7Cu from an alluvial platinum concentrate and its significance for platiniferous quartz lodes in the Lubero region, DR Congo.
Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Abhandlungen 189/2: 217-221Cabral AR, Zeh A, Koglin N, Seabra Gomes Jr. AA, Viana DJ, Lehmann B (2012):
Dating the Itabira iron formation, Quadrilátero Ferrifero of Minas Gerais, Brazil, at 2.65 Ga: Depositional U-Pb age of zircon from a metavolcanic layer.
Precambrian Research 204-205: 40-45Cabral AR, Wiedenbeck M, Koglin N, Lehmann B, de Abreu FR (2012):
Boron-isotopic constraints on the petrogenesis of hematitic phyllite in the southern Serra do Espinhaço, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Lithos 140-141: 224-233Plotinskaya OY, Prokofiev VY, Damian G, Damian F, Lehmann B (2012):
The Cisma deposit, Baiut district, eastern Carpathians, Romania: Sphalerite composition and formation conditions.
Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 7: 265-273
Cabral AR, Lehmann B, Tupinambá M, Wiedenbeck M, Brauns M (2011):
Geology, mineral chemistry and tourmaline B isotopes of the Córrego Bom Sucesso area, southern Serra do Espinhaço, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Implications for Au-Pd-Pt exploration in quartzitic terrain.
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 110: 260-277Chalapathi Rao NV, Burgess R, Lehmann B,Mainkar D, Pande SK, Hari KR, Bodhankar N (2011):
40Ar/39Ar ages of mafic dykes from the Mesoproterozoic Chhattisgarh basin, Bastar craton, Central India: Implication for the origin and spatial extent of the Deccan Large Igneous Province.
Lithos 125: 994-1005Chalapathi Rao NV, Lehmann B (2011):
Kimberlites, flood basalts and mantle plumes: New insights from the Deccan Large Igneous Province.
Earth-Science Reviews 107: 315-324Dewaele S, Henjes-Kunst F, Melcher F, Sitnikova M, Burgess R, Gerdes A, Alonso-Fernandez M, De Clerq F, Muchez P, Lehmann B (2011):
Late Neoproterozoic overprinting of the cassiterite and columbite-tantalite bearing pegmatites of the Gatumba area, Rwanda (Central Africa).
Journal of African Earth Sciences 61: 10-26Xu LG, Lehmann B, Mao JW, Qu W, Du A (2011):
Re-Os age of polymetallic Ni-Mo-PGE-Au mineralization in Early Cambrian black shales of South China - a reassessment.
Economic Geology 106: 511-522Cabral AR, Burgess R, Lehmann B (2011):
Late Cretaceous bonanza-style metal enrichment in the Serra Pelada Au-Pd-Pt deposit, Pará, Brazil.
Economic Geology 106: 119-125Chalapathi Rao NV, Lehmann B, Mainkar D, Belyatsky B (2011):
Petrogenesis of the end-Cretaceous diamondiferous Behradih orangeite pipe: implication for mantle plume-lithosphere interaction in the Bastar craton, Central India.
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 161: 721-742Cabral AR, Radtke M, Munnik F, Lehmann B, Reinholz U, Riesemeier H, Tupinambá M, Kwitko-Ribeiro R (2011):
Iodine in alluvial platinum-palladium nuggets: Evidence for biogenic precious-metal fixation.
Chemical Geology 281: 125-132Zoheir B, Lehmann B (2011):
Listvenite-lode association at the Barramiya gold mine, Eastern Desert, Egypt.
Ore Geology Reviews 39: 101-115
Al-Hwaiti M, Zoheir B, Lehmann B, Rabba I (2010):
Epithermal gold mineralization at Wadi Abu Khushayba, southwestern Jordan.
Ore Geology Reviews 38: 101-112Lehmann B, Burgess R, Frei D, Belyatsky B, Mainkar D, Chalapathi Rao NV, Heaman LM (2010):
Diamondiferous kimberlites in central India synchronous with Deccan flood basalts.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 290: 142-149
Cabral AR, Lehmann B, Tupinambá M, Schlosser S, Kwitko-Ribeiro R, De Abreu FR (2009):
The platiniferous Au-Pd belt of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and genesis of its botryoidal Pt-Pd aggregates.
Economic Geology 104: 1265-1276Cabral AR, Vymazalová A, Lehmann B, Tupinambá M, Haloda J, Laufek F, Vlcek V, Kwitko-Ribeiro R (2009):
Poorly crystalline Pd-Hg-Au intermetallic compounds from Córrego Bom Sucesso, southern Serra do Espinhaço, Brazil.
European Journal of Mineralogy 21: 811-816Hennig D, Lehmann B, Frei D, Zhao XF, Cabral AR, Zeng PS, Zhou MF, Schmidt K (2009):
Early Permian seafloor to continental arc magmatism in the eastern Paleo-Tethys: U-Pb age and Nd-Sr isotope data from the southern Lancangjiang zone, Yunnan, China.
Lithos 113: 408-422Galbiatti HF, Cabral AR, Lehmann B, Kwitko-Ribeiro R (2009):
"Ouro preto" found at Timbopeba iron-ore deposit, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 253: 15-23Kríbek B, Zák K, Dobes P, Leichmann J, Pudilová M, René M, Scharm B, Scharmová M, Hájek A, Holeczy D, Hein UF, Lehmann B (2009):
The Rozná uranium deposit (Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic): shear-zone hosted, late Variscan and post-Variscan hydrothermal mineralization.
Mineralium Deposita 44: 99-128Wittenbrink J, Lehmann B, Wiedenbeck M, Wallianos A, Dietrich A, Palacios C (2009):
Boron isotope composition of melt inclusions from porphyry systems of the Central Andes: a reconnaissance study.
Terra Nova 21: 111-118
Wille M, Nägler TF, Lehmann B, Schröder S, Kramers JD (2008):
Early Cambrian ocean anoxia in South China. Wille et al. Reply.
Nature 459: E6Lehmann B (2008):
Uran-Lagerstätten PDF / Uranium ore deposits. PDF
Advanced Mining Solutions 2: 26-26 www.advanced-mining.comKempe U, Lehmann B, Wolf D, Rodionov N, Bombach K, Schwengfelder U, Dietrich A (2008):
U-Pb SHRIMP geochronology of Th-poor hydrothermal monazite: an example from the Llallagua tin-porphyry deposit, Bolivia.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72: 4352-4366Wille M, Nägler TF, Lehmann B, Schröder S, Kramers JD (2008):
Hydrogen sulphide release to surface waters at the Precambrian/Cambrian boundary.
Nature 453: 767-769Kröner A, Hegner E, Lehmann B, Heinhorst J, Wingate MTD, Liu DY, Ermelov P (2008):
Palaeozoic arc magmatism in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt of Kazakhstan: SHRIMP zircon ages and whole-rock Nd isotopic systematics.
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 32: 118-130Cabral AR, Galbiatti HD, Kwitko-Ribeiro R, Lehmann B (2008):
Platinum enrichment at low temperatures and related microstructures, with examples of hongshiite (PtCu) and empirical 'Pt2HgSe3' from Itabira, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Terra Nova 20: 32-37Cabral AR, Tupinambá M, Lehmann B, Kwitko-Ribeiro R, Vymazalová A (2008):
Arborescent palladiferous gold and empirical Au2Pd and Au3Pd in alluvium from southern Serra do Espinhaço, Brazil.
Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Abhandlungen 184: 329-336Hennig D, Lehmann B, Burgess R, Nekouvaght Tak MA (2008):
Geology, geochemistry and 40Ar/39Ar ages of the Cerro Millo epithermal high-sulfidation gold prospect, southern Peru.
Ore Geology Reviews 34: 304-316
Torab FM, Lehmann B (2007):
Magnetite-apatite deposits of the Bafq district, Central Iran: apatite geochemistry and monazite geochronology.
Mineralogical Magazine 71: 347-363Warmada IW, Lehmann B, Simandjuntak M, Hemes HS (2007):
Fluid inclusion, rare-earth element and stable isotope study of carbonate minerals from the Pongkor epithermal gold-silver deposit, West Java, Indonesia.
Resource Geology 57: 124-135Lehmann B, Mall U (2007):
Nuclear power without radioactive waste? The lunar helium-3 perspective.
World of Mining - Surface and Underground 59: 156-160 PDFLehmann B, Nägler TF, Holland HD, Wille M, Mao J, Pan J, Ma D, Dulski P (2007):
Highly metalliferous carbonaceous shale and Early Cambrian seawater.
Geology 35: 403-406 PDF ESMCabral AR, Beaudoin G, Choquette M, Lehmann B, Polonia JC (2007):
Supergene leaching and formation of platinum in alluvium: evidence from Serro, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Mineralogy and Petrology 90: 141-150Cabral AR, Lehmann B (2007):
Seleniferous minerals of palladium and platinum from ouro preto-bearing mineralisation in Brazil.
Ore Geology Reviews 32: 681-688Lehmann B, Storey C, Mainkar D, Jeffries T (2007):
In-situ U-Pb dating of titanite in the Tokapal-Bhejripadar kimberlite system, central India.
Kimberlites in India, Special issue, Journal Geological Society of India 69: 553-565Mainkar D, Lehmann B (2007):
The diamondiferous Behradih kimberlite pipe, Mainpur Kimberlite Field, Chhattisgarh, India: reconnaissance petrography and geochemistry.
Kimberlites in India, Special issue, Journal Geological Society of India 69: 547-552Shcheka GG, Lehmann B (2007):
Gold overprint of PGE alloy: an example from the Fadeevka Au-PGE placer, Russian Far East.
Mineralogy and Petrology 89: 275-282
Cabral AR, Lehmann B, Galbiatti HF, Rocha Filho OG (2006):
Evidence for metre-scale variations in hematite composition within the Palaeoproterozoic Itabira Iron Formation.
Mineralogical Magazine 70: 691-602Ramirez LE, Palacios C, Townley B, Parada MA, Sial AN, Fernandez-Turiel JL, Gimeno D, Garcia-Valles M, Lehmann B (2006):
The Mantos Blancos copper deposit: an Upper Jurassic breccia-style hydrothermal system in the Coastal Range of northern Chile.
Mineralium Deposita 41: 246-258Torab FM, Lehmann B (2006):
Iron oxide-apatite deposits of the Bafq district, Central Iran: an overview from geology to mining.
World of Mining - Surface and Underground 58: 355-362Cabral AR, Beaudoin G, Kwitko-Ribeiro R, Lehmann B, Polonia JC, Choquette M (2006):
Platinum-palladium nuggets and mercury-rich palladiferous platinum from Serro, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Canadian Mineralogist 44: 385-397Lehmann B, Mainkar B, Belyatsky B (2006):
The Tokapal crater-facies kimberlite system, Chhattisgarh, India: reconnaissance petrography and geochemistry.
Journal Geological Society of India 68: 9-18 PDFMao J, Wang Y, Lehmann B, Yu J, Du A, Mei Y, Li Y, Zang W, Stein HJ, Zhou T (2006):
Molybdenite Re-Os and albite 40Ar/39Ar dating of Cu-Au-Mo and magnetite porphyry systems in the Yangtze River valley and metallogenic implications.
Ore Geology Reviews 29: 307-324Suh CE, Lehmann B, Mafany GT (2006):
Geology and geochemical aspects of lode gold mineralization at Dimako-Mboscorro, SE Cameroon.
Geochemistry; Exploration, Environment, Analysis 6: 295-309
Mao J, Konopelko D, Seltmann R, Lehmann B, Chen W, Wang Y, Eklund O, Usubaliev T (2004):
Postcollisional age of the Kumtor gold deposit and timing of Hercynian events
in the Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan.
Economic Geology 99: 1771-1780Schultz, F, Lehmann, B, Tawackoli, S, Rössling, R, Belyatsky, B, Dulski, P (2004):
Carbonatite diversity in the Central Andes: the Ayopaya alkaline province, Bolivia.
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 148: 391-408 PDFLehmann B (2004):
Metallogeny of the Central Andes: geotectonic framework and geochemical evolution of porphyry systems in Bolivia and Chile during the last 40 million years.
In: Khanchuk AI, Gonevchuk GA, Mitrokhin AN, Simanenko LF, Cook N, Seltmann R, eds, Metallogeny of the Pacific Northwest: tectonics, magmatism and metallogeny of active continental margins. Vladivostok, Dalnauka, pp 118-122 PDFMainkar D, Lehmann B, Haggerty SE (2004):
The crater-facies kimberlite system of Tokapal, Bastar District, Chhattisgarh, India.
Lithos 76: 201-217Cabral AR, Lehmann B, Grambole D, Herrmann F (2004):
Hydrogen in a natural Pd-O compound from Gongo Soco, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Canadian Mineralogist 42: 689-694Shcheka GG, Lehmann B, Gierth E, Goemann K (2004):
Macrocrystals of Pt-Fe alloy from the Kondyor PGE placer deposit, Khabarovskiy Kray, Russia: trace-element content, mineral inclusions and reaction assemblages.
Canadian Mineralogist 42: 601-617 PDF
Cabral AR, Lehmann B, Kwitko-Ribeiro R, Jones RD, Rocha Filho OG (2003):
On the association of palladium-bearing-gold, hematite and gypsum in an ouro preto nugget.
Canadian Mineralogist 41: 473-478Cabral AR, Lehmann B (2003):
A two-stage process of native palladium formation at low temperatures: evidence from a palladian gold nugget (Gongo Soco iron ore mine, Minas Gerais, Brazil).
Mineralogical Magazine 67: 453-463Warmada IW, Lehmann B, Simandjuntak M (2003):
Polymetallic sulfides and sulfosalts of the Pongkor epithermal gold-silver deposit, west Java, Indonesia.
Canadian Mineralogist 41: 185-200
Cabral AR, Lehmann B, Kwitko-Ribeiro R,Cravo Costa CH (2002):
Palladium and platinum minerals from the Serra Pelada Au-Pd-Pt deposit, Carajás mineral province, northern Brazil.
Canadian Mineralogist 40: 1451-1463 PDFLehmann B, Cabral AR (2002):
What makes a gold rush? Late news from the Serra Pelada gold-palladium-platinum deposit in Brazil.
Erzmetall 55: 571-572Mao J, Lehmann B, Du A, Zhang G, Ma D, Wang Y, Zeng M, Kerrich R (2002):
Re-Os dating of polymetallic Ni-Mo-PGE-Au mineralization in Lower Cambrian black shales of South China and its geological significance.
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The Bolivian tin province and regional tin distribution in the central Andes: a reassessment.
Economic Geology 85: 1044-1058Lehmann B, Harmanto (1990):
A low-tin tin granite: large-scale tin depletion in the Tanjungpandan batholith, Belitung Island, Indonesia.
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Preface PDF
Chapter 1 PDF Chapter 2 PDF Chapter 3 PDF
Chapter 4 PDF Chapter 5 PDF Chapter 6 PDF
References/Index PDF
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